Ave. Ir. Polytechnic 98

Piraeus 18536
Bryonis stop

210 42 88 040 / 041

Mon - Fri 08.30 – 21.00

state-of-the-art medical imaging services

High Definition, Diagnosis and Immediate Service.

Iliadis Radiology Center

Welcome to our radiology center, which provides state-of-the-art medical imaging services. Our concern is high clarity, correct diagnosis and immediate service.

Since 1986 we have been present in the field of radiological diagnosis with modern equipment and new imaging systems. The specialized staff of our center, fully informed about the developments in the field of health, is at your disposal at all times.

Frequent questions

Test diagnoses are made minutes after each test is performed. The examinee can remain in the pleasant environment of the waiting room and receive them at the same time.

The results of the CT scans are received the next day.

It is important that the examinee brings with him previous imaging tests to compare any findings as well as to check the course of any pathology. In this way, a clearer diagnosis is achieved, which also leads to better treatment and treatment.

There are no drugs that affect the imaging result, however, for any questions of the examinee, our secretariat and staff are at your disposal for further clarifications.

Reviews about us

"The Radiology Clinic of Mr. Kosmas Iliadis is staffed with Doctors who have Excellent Scientific Training. It has all the latest technology machines for an immediate, absolute and better opinion, in a very fast time."
Εικόνα πελάτη στο Ακτινολογικό Ιατρείο Κοσμάς Ηλιάδης
Nikolis K.
"Polite staff. We received the results of the ultrasound and x-rays immediately!"
Εικόνα πελάτη στο Ακτινολογικό Ιατρείο Κοσμάς Ηλιάδης
Ioannis B.
"Excellent professionals with high training and diligence! Warm place with particularly helpful and pleasant staff!"
Εικόνα πελάτη στο Ακτινολογικό Ιατρείο Κοσμάς Ηλιάδης
Mary I.
"Service and respect for the patient characterize one of the oldest radiology clinics in Piraeus. The technological equipment that is constantly being updated and the kindness of the staff (doctors, technologists, secretary) are a guarantee."
Εικόνα πελάτη στο Ακτινολογικό Ιατρείο Κοσμάς Ηλιάδης
Eleni P.

We perform x-rays and ultrasounds at home

Call us at

210 41 80 214




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